Friday, February 11, 2011

We're up to our ears in... CANELES.

(...or: CANNELLES, depending on your spelling preference.)

My birthday is comming up on the 15th of this month.

Last week, as a present, my mom sent me six MORE canele molds, meaning I now have a full dozen. When I called to thank her, she said to be expecting something else in the post this week.

I thought that was very generous, but I didn't expect the "something else" to be ACTUAL CAN(N)EL(L)ES, ready to be thawed and crisped in the oven, from my favorite gourmet food catalog Mackenzie, Ltd.

Geez, mom - obsess much?


Thank you so much!
Wonderful present!

(Also had tons of fun playing with the dry ice in which the mechandise was packaged. Got a little dizzy. Don't tell anyone.)

1 comment:

  1. As you can imagine, I am so pleased that you are pleased.................YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
