Sunday, October 24, 2010


Yesterday I made batter for caneles (can-eh-lay. alternate spelling: canneles.).

They are a French pastry with a dark brown, crispy, caramelized crust, and a custard-like interior.

Traditionally they are made in copper molds coated with food-grade beeswax.

Copper molds and beeswax!!!
Am I out of my mind???

I do not have copper molds (available for around $20.00 a piece - for one 1 1/2 inch mold) or beeswax (because I don't know any local honey farmers) so I am using mini muffin tins and clarified butter.

And praying.

A lot.

The batter is simple - simmered milk,butter, and vanilla combined with flour, sugar, eggs, and rum. Then it has to sit for at least twenty-four hours.

Then you have to cook them at all these varying temps for like two hours, and hope you can get them out of the molds and they're actually edible.

I keep reading comments like, "On my fifth batch, I got results I was satisfied with."

I'm freaking out.
Why am I doing this?

...Because they sound delicious.

I've been obsessing about them ever since I found out about their existence four days ago, and apparently I've decided to take the plunge. I'll let you know what happens.

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