Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Soft Polenta with red chili flakes, purple Oriental Kale with asian spices, and bacon-wrapped Chicken!!!
(Taken with awesome new camera that we've yet to learn how to use.)

Feels good to be back in the kitchen again, even if I am sick (don't tell the diners). Screw the illness, I don't need to breathe or stay conscious -- I just need to cook! Or knit! Or... something!!!

Viva la cuisine!!!

I made an awesome pasta last night involving chickpeas, tomatoes, and the above mentioned kale. Might post about it later.

Until then --

HAPPY 2012, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

(Prosecco to follow. Probably Mimosas and fried polenta for breakfast. And by the way... Does PBS hate us? Today they played "Les Mis," "Chess," and "La Boheme." In a row. I love all of those things, but I don't want to start the new year weeping....)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Latest Order.

Marrons Glacés Candied Chestnuts
1 $some amount each
Nonnate di Pesce
1 $15.00 each
Galician Chestnuts
1 $15.00 each
Spanish Dark Drinking Cocoa
1 $9.00 each
Roasted Butternut Squash Seed Oil
1 $20.00 each
One of these things is not like the others.
Sometimes I really love the holidays.